Thursday, January 1, 2009

Well, been a while since I have posted here. Christmas was good, toned down and was a lot more centered on the family instead of the stuff, and that was a nice change actually. Brandon is here and goes home Saturday. We had family pictures taken today of the kids, and they did turn out great. We took Brandon and Luke on the Light was long and crowded, but at least now we can say we did it. Several pics to post, some on the light rail, some of the boys, and the "monkey photos".

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luke has a party Saturday

Well, it was a long day of partying for Luke...first he went with mom to do a little Christmas shopping, then out to check in on Santa at Skyline's Breakfast with Santa. I have to say this is one of the greatest events we do every year for needy families, all of the kids get presents, have them wrapped, get bereakfast, work on crafts, and then to top it all off they get a visit from Santa. Well, Luke was going to see for himself, so he showed up in his new elf suit.

The it was off to Tami's cousin Holly's graduation party. She just graduated from ASU West with a degree in education/history.

Next up was a quick peek into the 50th birthday party of Carol Alexander, who is David's boss at the school district overseeing Student Activities accounts.

But the fun wasn't over there, as then it was on for some more shopping, and finally home for some much needed rest.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lukes First Party and Decorating for Christmas

Luke had his first birthday party Saturday...OK, so he wasn't really involved, as it was a skating party, but you get the picture...daddy decided that it was a good opportunity to try on the duck lips, although he couldn't work the whistle. Sunday afternoon, the girls helped decorate while mom went with her mom and Luke to lunch. It's back to work tomorrow for David, and Tami is a little apprehensive, but she'll get through the day I'm sure.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pilgrim Cookies and First Thanksgiving

The girls made Pilgrim Cookies, and had a great time. I had a great time eating the rest of the marshmallows with the melted chocolate. Luke celebrated his first Thanksgiving with this festive outfit, and slept most of the day...must have been the tryptophan.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We wish each of you and your extended families all the best in this holiday season.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Houdini

Well, for tonight's entry, it was going to be something fairly generic...Luke ate and slept well today, no visitors, just a relaxing time spent at home, know, nothing much to report. But then, as Tami put him down, she said "let's try and swaddle him like you did last night". Good idea, he seemed to sleep a bit more soundly. So that's exactly what I did, wrapped him up in his nice soft blanket. Then it was into the bassonet, so far so good. Ten minutes passed, and he started to fuss, 5 more minutes and I went back to check. Tami said, he has to learn sometime, let's see if he will settle down. He starts to cry, then harder, then harder, then starts to scream, then starts to shriek. This definitely was NOT working. I go into the room, Tami had called me in there, sort of alarmed. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what I saw...he had worked his way out of his blanket, halfway out of his sleepsack, and I have every confidence that given another two minutes he would have worked his way completely out of his diaper. The really funny thing was that he was laying there staring at us, not crying, motionless, either exhausted or proud of what he had accomplished. So that is tonight's entry in the fascinating, week old world that is Luke.

Monday, November 24, 2008

First Doctor Visit

Today was yet another monumental day, as Luke had his first visit to the doctor. He didn't seem to mind that much, other than being awaken from a sound sleep, stripped naked, poked and prodded, cold stethescoped, deprived of his regular feeding, and then the grand finale, heel pricked for a blood draw.....hooray. But he really did do well in the midst of it all, and got to be lazy the rest of the day....OK, so he gets to be lazy whenever he wants to, and we are thankful for that, so we can catch up on some much needed sleep. He does seem to be catching on to a bit more regular routine

We are also thankful once again to Amie and the MOPS group for providing another dinner, which does come in handy, and to Tami's mom Aileen for running to the store to get some much needed supplies and one REALLY big supply item. (Thank you!!!)